Club Rules - Baldock Town Bowls Club

Baldock Town Bowls Club
Baldock Town Bowls Club
Affiliated to Bowls England, Hertfordshire Bowls, L&D.B.A., N.H.W B.A., E.B.D.B.L. S&D.M.B.A.
West Avenue, off Norton Road, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 5AY
West Avenue, off Norton Road, Baldock Hertfordshire SG7 5AY
Affiliated to Bowls England, Hertfordshire Bowls, L&D.B.A., N.H.W B.A., E.B.D.B.L.
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Club Rules

Club Information
Appendix A: Club Rules
A1.  Applicability
The Constitution of the Club defines the legal requirements of the Club. These rules define the day-to-day operation of the Club and associated activities. Changes to these rules can only be made at an Annual or Extraordinary Meeting of the Club.

A2.  Standards
These Rules adopt and enforce the Laws of the Sport as laid down by the World Bowls Board and the Rules of Bowls England. Members shall be deemed to be conversant with these Rules and to hold themselves subject to disciplinary measures for breaches thereof.
Where there is any apparent discrepancy between these Rules and the Rules of Bowls England or the Constitution of the Club the latter will take precedence.
A3.  The Green
3.1 The green will normally be open from 2pm on weekdays and 10am at weekends. For play outside these times approval must be sought from the Greenranger
3.2 In accordance with Bowls England Rules there will be no smoking, including electronic devices, on the green.
A4.  Bookings
A file will be available for provisional and definite bookings to be made. Provisional bookings must be made in pencil and definite bookings in ink stating name, competition and start time. Provisional bookings can only be held for three days.
Members should only make provisional and/or definite rink bookings for the actual round they are currently at and not block book for all rounds within a competition.
The booking file will contain the rules defining precedence on bookings e.g. national matches have precedence over county matches etc.

A5.  Dress Code
5.1   Regulation dress on the green for all midweek, SDML and weekend friendly matches will be Club Colours (i.e. club shirt/blouse and black trousers, skirts and/or shorts) as specified on the match sheet.
5.2    For District, County, National team, and Individual competitions the  dress code will be Club Colours (i.e. club shirt/blouse with black Trousers, skirts and/or shorts).
5.3    In all matches and competitions all competitors must wear the same code.
5.4   Dress code for club member roll-ups and for non-members wishing to try the sport is optional provided bowls / flat shoes are worn on the green.
A6.  Selection Committees
The Captain and/or Vice Captain will select the teams for SDML / friendly matches. Team Managers will be appointed to select and manage the teams in all County and National competitions. Team Managers may request assistance from other club members in these selections.
A7.  Club Competitions
The Club will run such competitions as the members require. These will be managed by a Competition Secretary appointed by the General Committee and the decision of this Secretary on dates, elimination, etc are final. Competition Rules will be posted on the notice board at the start of each season.
A8.  Trophies
All trophies are the property of the Club and are insured by the Club. Previous winners must return trophies before the end of the following season.
A9. Changes to Rules
Changes to these rules may only be made at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. Details of the proposed change must be made in writing with the names of the proposer and seconder to the Club Secretary giving at least 21 days notice to allow circulation to members.
Appendix B: Responsibilities of Officers and Committees
This appendix gives a brief outline of the duties entrusted to the Officers of the Club and of the sub-committees with delegated powers from the Senior Officers and/or the General Committee to run specific areas of the club’s activities.
  • To represent the Club on match days and other special events;
  • To Chair all relevant meetings of the Club      committee and the AGM or any EGM;
  • To have the casting vote at all relevant meetings      of the Club in the event of equality;
Club & Membership Secretary
  • To conduct the correspondence of the Club;
  • To keep custody of all Club documents;
  • To keep full minutes of all meetings of the Club, the Committee and Sub-Committees;
  • To administer such insurance policy or policies as may be needed to fully protect the interests of the Club, its Officers and its members;
  • Represent the Club at County meetings
  • To keep a register of Club members' contact details and membership status
  • To submit new applications for membership to the Committee
Honorary Treasurer
  • To collect all relevant fees from Club members;
  • To make all relevant payments on behalf of the Club;
  • To prepare Annual Balance Sheet for examination;
  • To present Accounts for approval at the Annual General Meeting
Honorary Fixture/Match Secretary
·      To arrange matches as relevant with other clubs and seek GCM approval of the full program prior to publishing
·      To confirm arrangements with other clubs at least a week before match takes place
Midweek & Weekend Captains
·       To select relevant representative teams from nomination sheets
·       To manage matches on the day
Competitions Secretary
·       To chair the Club Competitions
·       To ensure a fair draw for internal Club competitions
·       To manage Club competitions, ensuring matches are completed in good time
·       To make arrangements for Finals Day(s)
Green Ranger / Liaison Officer
·      Upkeep of the green and its surroundings and of equipment required to maintain the green
·      Oversight of Maintenance and repair of all Club buildings and property.
·      Supervision of the Green working parties and volunteers.
·      Decision in consultation with Green ranger on whether green is fit for play
Social & Fund Raising Officer
·       Organizing and publicizing Club social functions
·       Solicit Sponsorship and Fundraising activities for the benefit of BTBC
·       Act as the Bowls Club Delegate on the Avenue Sports Club Committee
General Committee Member
·      To act as representative of the BTBC Members and a conduit for feedback between the Club Officers and its members.
Team Managers
·      Selection of all Club competitive teams.
Welfare/Safeguarding Officer
·      To ensure the club complies with BE Safeguarding Bowls policy
·      To act as a point of contact for Junior Bowlers
·      To ensure compliance with relevant Health & Safety regulations
District/County Delegate (elected by Committee)
·       To act as a liaison between the Club and other relevant associations
·       To report back to the Committee on any issues which may affect the Club
Press Officer
·       To publicise the Club in local media, website and      social media as relevant

Appendix C: Banking Arrangements
C1.   The club shall hold a current account with a recognised high street clearing bank.
C2.   The club authorises the use of Internet Banking Services on this current account. It acknowledges that using Internet Banking Services means that a named individual, which should normally be the Club Treasurer, must operate such an account and will have access to and be able to make payments from this account solely. The Treasurer must delegate the authority to access and make payments on the account to the Club Chairperson.
C3.   All cheque payments will require 2 signatories from those authorised by mandate from the bank. Authorised signatories will include the Treasurer and the Chairperson.
C4.    An ‘offline’ authority, approved by the authorised list as above, will be required prior to any payments being made via Internet Banking Services (e.g. BACS). The Treasurer must retain evidence of this authority, which will be made available for audit purposes.
Appendix D: Amendment History
1.       Revision1 December 2022 for Proposal and Acceptance at the January 2023 AGM
To down load a copy of the Clubs Constitution please Press Here
© 2010-2025 Baldock Town Bowls Club (All rights reserved)
Webmaster ~ Mike Parsons
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